ESL: English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language (ESL)

通过报名参加科林提高你的英语口语,阅读和写作技能 College Continuing Education ESL course. 科林大学 offers a variety of courses 帮助你提高你的语言技能,这样你就能在英语方面出类拔萃 劳动力.

我们提供初级、中级和高级课程来提高英语水平 learning and communication skills in the workplace.  课程 include listening, speaking, 六个不同层次的阅读和写作,帮助你变得流利和精通 用英语.  每学期有白天、下午和晚上的课程 multiple campuses, so enroll 今天.  Our courses are organized to follow successful completion from one level to another.
ESL Student Testimonials


ESL分班测试评估学生当前的语言能力水平.  参加考试后,学生与导师会面,导师提供课程水平 建议. 学生 may then register in the recommended course levels. 的 分班考试是免费的,建议所有新生参加,目前开放 enrolled students.

学生可以在线报名参加分班考试,也可以拨打电话972-985-3711,并注明 the 5-digit course registration number (CRN) of your course. Placement tests are only offered prior to the start of each semester.  To find the CRN of your course see the class schedule page.

CY- 院子中心, 4800 Preston Park Boulevard, 普莱诺,德克萨斯州75093

CC- McKinney校园, 2800 W. 大学博士ive, McKinney, TX 75071

SC-普莱诺校区. 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, TX 75074

时间待定 - 技术学校, 2550 Bending Branch Way, Allen, TX 75013

WC- 威利校园, 391 Country Club Road, Wylie, TX 75098

ESL Placement Testing Schedule


English as a Second Language (ESL) List of classes:

ESL Communication Improvement

Course Description
Communication Improvement, Intro 查看日程安排 
This class is for individuals who speak little or no English. 学生 practice basic speaking and listening skills for enhanced job productivity. Improve speaking skills 最小化
on-the-job miscommunication and safety issues.

Communication Improvement, Level 1 查看日程安排 
本课程是为懂得一些基本英语,但不会造句的人开设的 or have a conversation. 具备行业相关的基本读、写、说能力 and listening skills. Refine oral and written production and listening skills for enhanced job productivity.

Communication Improvement, Level 2 查看日程安排 
这门课是为懂一点英语,能造简单句子的人准备的, 但需要提高对话、阅读和词汇/理解能力. 提供了 以外语为母语的学生在职动态交际练习 使学生接触到语言在各种相关工作中的应用 上下文.

Communication Improvement, Level 2, Part 1 查看日程安排

这门课是为懂一点英语,能造简单句子的人准备的, 但需要提高对话、阅读和词汇/理解能力. 提供了 以外语为母语的学生在职动态交际练习 并使学生接触到各种相关语言的使用 job-related 上下文. This is part I of a 2 part course series.

Communication Improvement, Level 3 查看日程安排 
本课程是为那些会说英语,但需要提高理解能力的人开设的。 listening, and holding a conversation with others.  Improvement in reading vocabulary/comprehension 技能,以及说,写,听技能的工作成功. 解释 factual material and inferences
associated with job-related communication.

Communication Improvement, Level 4 查看日程安排 
本课程着重于英语理解、词汇发展和判断 meaning from context. Emphasis on industry-related vocabulary development and skills 习得,包括从语境中确定意义,识别词形和 variation in meaning.

Communication Improvement, Level 5 查看日程安排 
本课程适用于具有中级到高级口语、阅读、 and writing skills. 的 focus is on improving parts of the English language such as 主谓一致,代词,动词短语,副词等等! 探索各种 参考资料和练习校对技巧,以协助在职培训.


Course Description
Conversation, Beginning 查看日程安排 
在本课程中,学生将学习选定的职业术语词汇,包括 appropriate pronunciation and use of English language structures.

Conversation, Intermediate  查看日程安排 
本课程的学生将继续学习词汇并提高常用词汇的发音 questions and phrases. Improvement of a selected vocabulary of technical/occupational 术语,包括术语的正确发音和英语语言结构的使用 商业和工业需要成功的在职表现.

Conversation, Advanced  查看日程安排 
这门课是为能说句子和理解2022世界杯买球盘口的人开设的 和短语,但需要帮助提高他们的对话和听力技能.  掌握 技术/职业术语的精选词汇,包括正确的发音 或商业和工业所需的英语语言结构的术语和使用 for successful on-the-工作表现.

Accent Modification  查看日程安排 
本课程是为想要学习应用技巧的高级ESL学生开设的 more precise North American 演讲 patterns. Concentration is placed on sound pronunciation, articulation, connected 演讲, and intonation. Demonstrate orally and in writing 正确运用商务和工业所需的英语语言结构.


Course Description
发音 & Speaking, Beginning 查看日程安排 
Focus will be on comprehensibility of spoken English. Improvement will be measured 在与工作有关的场合中保持英语准确发音的一致性. 重点将放在发音、语调、重音和连音上.

发音 & Speaking, Intermediate 查看日程安排 
本课程旨在帮助中级英语学习者迈向 more comprehensible 演讲.  Focus will be on accurate pronunciation of English in job-related situations. 重点将放在发音、语调、重音和连音上 演讲.

发音 & Speaking, Advanced 查看日程安排 
本课程旨在进一步提高英语学习者的口语能力. 学生 熟悉常见的缩略语、弱读和特定语音的影响 环境.  注重沟通技巧的提高与成功有关 工作表现.



Course Description
Grammar, Beginning, Part 1 查看日程安排 
这门课的重点是美式英语语法的主要要素. 注意 是放在动词形式、句子结构、标点符号和书面表达上吗.  将选定的技术/职业词汇与其具体定义进行匹配.

Grammar, Beginning, Part 2 查看日程安排 
This class is a continuation of part 1. 学生 continue improving their verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, and written expressions.

Grammar, Intermediate, Part 1 查看日程安排  
这门课是对美国英语基本要素的中级学习 语法. 它强化和扩展了在第一部分和第二部分学习的语法技能.  演示所选技术/职业词汇的正确发音
required by business 和行业.

Grammar, Intermediate, Part 2 查看日程安排  
本课程是为想要学习应用技巧的高级ESL学生开设的 more precise North American 演讲 patterns. Concentration is placed on sound pronunciation, articulation, connected 演讲, and intonation.

Grammar, Advanced, Part 1 查看日程安排  
本课程是为需要扩展美式英语的高级ESL学生开设的 语法 and improve their punctuation, and written expressions.  Demonstrate orally 并在写作中适当使用商务英语语言结构 和行业.

Grammar, Advanced, Part 2 查看日程安排 
Part 2 is a continuation of Part 1. This course is an advanced study of the essential elements of American English 语法. It is designed to reinforce and expand 语法 skills learned in current ESL classes. Emphasis will be placed on verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, and written expressions.

Accent Modification
专为想要学习更多应用技巧的高级ESL学生而设计 precise North American 演讲 patterns in job-related situations. Concentration will 将重点放在个体发声、发音、连音和语调上.


阅读 & Vocabulary Comprehension, Beginning  
本课程是英语阅读的入门课程,重点是培养学生的阅读能力 在段落或短篇故事的上下文中阅读作品、短语和句子.

阅读 & Vocabulary Comprehension, Intermediate 
本课程侧重于培养阅读技能,重点是建立词汇量, literal comprehension, and fluency.

Contact Information
课程 / 项目 / Certificates
Frequently Asked Questions


4800 Preston Park Boulevard



Register by Phone:

电话:972-985-3711报名,并注明5位数的课程注册号 (CRN) of your class.


在线 Registration: 注册在这里